International energy mansion 國際能源大廈

Located in the central political, cultural and business district of Shenzhen, the building serves as the headquarters of the Chinese state-owned Shenzhen Energy Group.

The 145,000m² complex includes two towers, 220m and 110m tall, with a link structure connecting the two. The project is a showcase of the client’s sustainability efforts and embodies the future direction of modern offices in a carbon-constrained economy. The defining feature is its unique façade system that both passively and actively reduces the energy consumption of the building. The folding façade entwines the buildings, providing a climatic attenuator to the main building façades which directly look to the east and west and interplays with the building forms to create rippled zones of protrusions and depressions.

Arup provided structural engineering, sustainable building design, and fire engineering services as well as mechanical, electrical and public health engineering for this project .


這座佔地145,000平方米的綜合建築包括兩座220米高,110米高的塔樓,兩者連接起來。 該項目展示了客戶的可持續發展努力,體現了現代辦公室在碳約束經濟中的未來發展方向。 其獨特的外觀系統是被動和主動降低建築物的能耗。 折疊式立面與建築物交織在一起,為主建築立面提供氣候衰減器,直接向東和向西看,並與建築形式相互作用,形成突起和凹陷的波紋區域。


Country/Region:Greater China
Client:Shenzhen Energy Group
Industries:Commercial Property
Services:Structural engineering Sustainable buildings design Mechanical engineering Electrical engineering Public health engineering Fire engineering


An elegant and efficient structural system
The long and narrow site posed a physical constraint on the tower shape and plans. Limited by its site layout, the structure is very slim in the east to west direction. The structural solution delivers an efficient layout – striking a balance between stiffness and ductility of steel and concrete, as well as the architectural expression and structural cost. Two floors of small outriggers and one floor of belt truss, located at non-occupied refuge and mechanical plant floors, are adopted to strengthen the lateral stiffness to resist the typhoon wind loads in Shenzhen and seismic loading.

狹長的地方對塔的形狀和平面造成了物理限制。 由於其場地佈局有限,東西方向的結構非常渺茫。 結構解決方案提供了有效的佈局 – 在鋼筋和混凝土的剛度和延展性之間取得平衡,以及建築表達和結構成本。 採用兩層小型支腿和一層帶式桁架,位於非佔用避難場所和機械廠房地板,以增強橫向剛度,抵禦深圳颱風風荷載和地震荷載。

Complex architectural forms

To accommodate the aesthetic shape of both towers, the columns follow and incline along the façade envelope. The number and location of the columns were carefully determined to provide maximum floor efficiency and views to the outside.

The protrusion zones also serve functional purposes enabling conference room and executive office areas in the buildings. The practical and efficient tower floor layout amplifies the simplicity and functionality of the design, which is also reflected in the structural and building services design.


為了適應兩座塔樓的美學形狀,柱子沿著立麵包絡線傾斜並傾斜。 精心確定了柱子的數量和位置,以提供最大的地板效率和外部視圖。

突出區域還用於功能性目的,使得建築物中的會議室和行政辦公區域成為可能。 實用且高效的塔樓佈局放大了設計的簡單性和功能性,這也反映在結構和建築服務設計中。

Designing the long-span link bridge
The two towers are linked by a 34m-span link bridge from L2 to L9. The structural arrangement was carefully developed to meet the architectural requirements for various spaces, including restaurants, car park and a banquet hall, achieved through the clever use of limited trussing with hanging columns.

這兩座塔樓由一條從L2到L9的34米跨度連接橋連接。 結構佈置經過精心開發,以滿足各種空間的建築要求,包括餐廳,停車場和宴會廳,通過巧妙使用有限的桁架和懸掛柱實現。

Other sustainability strategies include variable speed drive systems for the air-conditioning pumps and fans, high efficiency lighting and grey water recycling systems. The energy cost will be significantly reduced by the innovative dual chilled water plus energy storage system, helping the building to tackle the hot and humid climate in Shenzhen. The building has received LEED® Gold certification, acting as a design model for future office buildings.

其他可持續發展戰略包括用於空調泵和風扇的變速驅動系統,高效照明和灰水回收系統。 創新的雙冷凍水加儲能係統將大大降低能源成本,幫助該建築物應對深圳炎熱潮濕的氣候。 該建築已獲得LEED®金級認證,可作為未來辦公樓的設計模型。


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