Alberta’s Dream 艾伯塔省的夢想

Alberta’s Dream, a statue by the Spanish-born artist Jaume Plensa is located in Alberta, Canada. The work of art is highly political, and many seem to have differing views on its true meaning. Yet, that’s what makes Plensa’s work that special, as it starts a conversation that would otherwise have not existed. If this isn’t one of the goals of art, then what really is?

艾伯塔省的夢想,西班牙出生的藝術家Jaume Plensa的雕像位於加拿大艾伯塔省。 藝術作品具有高度政治性,許多人似乎對其真正含義有不同的看法。 然而,這就是讓Plensa的作品變得特別的原因,因為它開始了一場原本不存在的對話。 如果這不是藝術的目標之一,那究竟是什麼?

Alberta’s Dream is an intimate sculpture; it is a self-portrait cast of Plensa hugging a real tree.

The bronze sculpture is covered with the names of numerous Alberta communities with Edmonton being across the chest and Calgary across the back.

艾伯塔省的夢是一個親密的雕塑; 這是一個擁抱真樹的Plensa的自畫像。


The sculpture of a man, sitting and holding a tree on the backside of the Bow Tower is just that, a sculpture. The bronze is called Alberta’s Dream and is a self-cast portrait of artist Jaume Plensa .
The piece, also known as The Tree Hugger, has the figure hugging a real tree with place names of Alberta cities emblazoned across it. Edmonton is along the chest , Calgary is along the back . Red Deer, Peace River, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, and others make appearances as well.

Alberta could hardly be called a tree hugging province and to have this sculpture hidden around the backside of the Bow Tower, home to the province’s powerful energy companies is as much of a statement as the piece itself.

一個人的雕塑,坐在和保持弓塔背面的一棵樹就是一個雕塑。 青銅被稱為艾伯塔省的夢想,是藝術家Jaume Plensa的自畫像。
這件作品也被稱為The Tree Hugger,這個人物擁抱著一棵真正的樹,上面印著艾伯塔省城市的地名。 埃德蒙頓沿著胸前,卡爾加里就在後面。 紅鹿,和平河,萊斯布里奇,梅迪辛哈特等人也出現了。



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