
Eurojust is an agency of the European Union (EU) dealing with judicial co-operation in criminal matters among agencies of the member states. It is seated in The Hague, Netherlands. Established in 2002, it was created to improve handling of serious cross-border and organised crime by stimulating investigative and prosecutorial co-ordination.

Eurojust is composed of a college formed of 28 national members—experienced judges, prosecutors, or police officers of equivalent competence from each EU member state. The terms and duties of the members are defined by the state that appoints them. Eurojust also co-operates with third states and other EU bodies such as the European Judicial Network, Europol and the OLAF.

Eurojust是歐盟(EU)的一個機構,負責處理成員國機構之間在刑事事項上的司法合作。 它坐落在荷蘭的海牙。 該委員會成立於2002年,旨在通過促進調查和起訴協調來改善對嚴重跨境和有組織犯罪的處理。

歐洲司法組織由一個由28名國家成員組成的大學組成 – 經驗豐富的法官,檢察官或具有相同能力的警官來自每個歐盟成員國。 成員的條款和職責由指定成員的州決定。 Eurojust還與第三國和其他歐盟機構合作,如歐洲司法網絡,歐洲刑警組織和OLAF。

Architects: Mecanoo
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
Category: Municipal Building
Area: 18500.0 m2
Project Year:2017
Manufacturers: Gispen, Maars, Knauf


Semi-submerged in an undulating dune landscape lies the new Eurojust headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands. The team of Mecanoo architecten, RoyalHaskoningDHV and landscape architects DS designed a welcoming and secure building with offices, a conference centre.

位於荷蘭海牙的新歐洲司法總部位於一個起伏不平的沙丘景觀中。 Mecanoo architecten,RoyalHaskoningDHV和景觀設計師DS的團隊設計了一個溫馨而安全的建築,設有辦公室和會議中心。

Eurojust is the EU-judicial cooperation unit dealing with cross-border crime. The new headquarters for Eurojust in the International Zone of The Hague were developed together with the Central Government Real Estate Agency, the Ministry of Justice and Security and the municipality. The twelve-storey building has more than four hundred workplaces and accommodates the national representatives of the EU Member States and three non-EU countries, supported by an administrative department. The site on the Johan de Wittlaan creates an extension of the International Zone, placing Eurojust in close proximity to organisations such as OPCW, the World Forum Convention Center and Europol. The site is adjacent to Zorgvliet Park and a residential area. The complexity of the location and the stringent security measures required a carefully integrated design solution.

Eurojust是處理跨境犯罪的歐盟司法合作單位。 歐洲司法組織在海牙國際區的新總部是與中央政府房地產局,司法和安全部以及市政府共同製定的。 這座十二層高的建築有四百多個工作場所,可容納歐盟成員國和三個非歐盟國家的國家代表,並由行政部門支持。 Johan de Wittlaan的網站創建了國際區的延伸,使Eurojust與禁化武組織,世界論壇會議中心和歐洲刑警組織等組織緊密相連。 該場地毗鄰Zorgvliet公園和一個住宅區。 位置的複雜性和嚴格的安全措施需要精心整合的設計解決方案。

As a result, Eurojust is linked to the International Zone by an undulating dune landscape with grassy vegetation and wild flowers. By ingeniously incorporating the security requirements within the landscape design, the building has been given an open character. The positioning of the two-floor convention centre underground helps to keep the building at a modest scale in relation to its context. The landscape pulls away from the building along the conference lobby area to reveal a lush water wall and bring daylight into the building’s lowest levels.

因此,Eurojust與國際區相連的是一片起伏的沙丘景觀,草地上的植被和野花。 通過巧妙地將安全要求納入景觀設計中,該建築物具有開放性。 地下兩層會議中心的定位有助於使建築物保持適度的環境。 沿著會議大廳區域的建築物遠離建築物,露出鬱鬱蔥蔥的水牆,為建築的最低層帶來日光。

The building is an elegant composition of two volumes: the high-rise tower facing the Johan de Wittlaan and the low-rise plinth on the park side. The rhythm of pure white composite facade elements gives the building a timeless, classic beauty. The windows are subtly tilted either horizontally or vertically, thereby reflecting both the sky and the surrounding landscape.

該建築由兩部分組成:A-de de Wittlaan的高層塔樓和公園一側的低層底座。 純白色複合立面元素的節奏賦予建築永恆,經典的美感。 窗戶水平或垂直地微妙傾斜,從而反映出天空和周圍的景觀。

Inside, visitors are welcomed into a spacious, double height lobby. From the lobby, there is a gradual transition from open spaces to more private areas. A wide staircase, overlooking the dune landscape, descends to the conference centre. The higher levels feature a contemporary office environment that encourages cooperation. Due to the efficient positioning of different security zones, the security features have a minimal impact on the architecture. The carefully detailed interior is characterised by an abundance of daylight, the use of a rich variety of natural materials, delicate motifs and soft colours. Graphic patterns on the glazed meeting room partitions allow daylight to pass through and create visual connections, while safeguarding privacy.

在內部,遊客可以進入寬敞的雙層大堂。 從大堂開始,逐漸從開放空間過渡到更私密的區域。 寬敞的樓梯俯瞰著沙丘景觀,下降至會議中心。 更高層次的特色是鼓勵合作的現代辦公環境。 由於不同安全區域的有效定位,安全功能對架構的影響最小。 精緻細緻的室內裝飾以充足的日光為特色,採用豐富多樣的天然材料,精緻的圖案和柔和的色彩。 玻璃會議室分區上的圖案模式允許日光通過並創建視覺連接,同時保護隱私。


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