Some recent helicopter footage posted on Youtube by Disney Dave shows amazing close-up shots of Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge and especially of the Millenium Falcon and others Star Wars fighters all over the land, as well as how the construction of Star Wars land is coming on over at Disneyland California. And it was not even filmed at sunrise or sunset when no workers work yet in the land but apparrenty at mid-day with Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge workers all around!
For those of you wondering how he has filmed such close up shots considering that it is forbidden for helicopters to fly over Disneyland, the answer is simple: the helicopter was not over the park and was at a reasonably high altitude, i would say apparently at more or less 500 meters from the ground. The filmmaker just had one of these cameras with incredible super-zooms – like the Nikon P1000 with which you can film the Moon from your balcony. Check it out in the video below!
最近迪士尼戴夫在Youtube上發布的一些直升機鏡頭顯示了星球大戰銀河邊緣特別是千禧獵鷹和其他星球大戰戰士的特寫鏡頭,以及星球大戰陸地的建設如何發生 在加州迪士尼樂園。 它甚至沒有在日出或日落時拍攝,當時沒有工人在這片土地上工作,但是在星球大戰銀河邊緣的工作人員中午到處都是可觀的!
考慮到禁止直升機飛越迪斯尼樂園,你們想知道他是如何拍攝這樣近距離拍攝的,答案很簡單:直升機不在公園上空且處於相當高的高度,我會說明顯在 距離地面大約500米。 這位電影製作人只是擁有一台具有令人難以置信的超級變焦功能的攝像機 – 就像尼康P1000一樣,您可以從陽台上拍攝月球。 請在下面的視頻中查看!
FROM:Star Wars Galaxys Edge Disneyland Construction Update Helicopter