Anticipation continues to build over the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opening date. However, the question on everyone’s mind is: when exactly will it open?

期待繼續建立在星球大戰:銀河邊緣開放日期之上。 然而,每個人心中的問題是:什麼時候它會打開?

Ever since Disney first announced that they were going to create two extensive Star Wars themed lands in California and Florida back in August 2015, the follow up question has always been to know when they would open.


FROM:Opening Season Just Announced for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

For years the only real answer was the logical one. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will open “when it is ready”. The answer was finally updated in May 2018. Disney clarified, a little, to say, “Summer 2019” for Disneyland and “Late Fall 2019” for Walt Disney World.

Now that we are already halfway through February 2019, Disney has still not been willing to be any more specific with the actual opening date of what is, hands down, the most highly anticipated theme park attraction they have ever created. So far this has already caused quite a bit of frustration; both from industry professionals attempting to market their own involvement as well as the legions of Star Wars fanatics and Disney fans with vacations to plan.

多年來唯一真正的答案是合乎邏輯的答案。 星球大戰:Galaxy’s Edge將在“準備就緒”時打開。 答案終於在2018年5月更新了。迪士尼為迪斯尼樂園和“沃爾特迪斯尼世界的2019年秋末”說明了“2019年夏天”以及“2019年末秋季”。

現在我們已經到了2019年2月的中途,迪士尼仍然不願意更加具體地說明他們創造的最受期待的主題公園景點的實際開放日期。 到目前為止,這已經引起了相當多的挫敗感; 來自行業專業人士,他們試圖推銷他們自己的參與,以及星球大戰狂熱分子和迪士尼球迷的休假計劃。


Getting ready for the crowds


FROM:Flyover the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Construction Site | Disney Parks

There has been a lot of speculation about the crowds on opening day; with visions of 5 to 6 hour lines for each of the two major attractions. This on top of the extra time it will take to get from the parking lot, through security and into the park; and then only to stand in yet another line just to set foot in the Star Wars land itself. From an operations standpoint, this is a challenge unlike anything the industry has ever seen before. Even worse, it is going to happen twice; once on each coast when the respective lands open.

Overcrowding is already an issue during every major holiday at Disneyland. Currently, work crews are moving as fast as they can to finish a new parking structure in order to accommodate the extra crowds. Despite that, fanatics are already trying to figure out if there will be some kind of way they could possibly “camp out” to attempt to be the first in line.

在開幕當天有很多關於人群的猜測; 兩個主要景點的每一個都有5到6個小時的視線。 這需要額外的時間從停車場,安全到公園; 然後只是站在另一條線上,踏上星球大戰的土地。 從運營的角度來看,這是一項與業界前所未有的挑戰不同的挑戰。 更糟糕的是,它會發生兩次; 當各自的土地開放時,每個海岸一次。

在迪士尼樂園的每個重要節日期間,過度擁擠已成為一個問題。 目前,工作人員正在盡可能快地完成新的停車結構,以容納額外的人群。 儘管如此,狂熱分子已經在試圖弄清楚是否會有某種方式他們可能“露營”以試圖成為第一個排隊的人。

The waiting game for a Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opening date


Meanwhile, Walt Disney World is looking not only at the impact the opening is going to have at the park itself, but also on the entire resort; including the roads and resort transportation systems. The opening will no doubt draw the attention of on-site resort guests. Likewise, guests already visiting the other three parks may also try to “park hop” over to the Studios park to take in the event.

與此同時,沃爾特迪斯尼世界不僅關注開放對公園本身的影響,還關注整個度假村的影響; 包括道路和度假村運輸系統。 開幕式無疑會引起現場度假客人的注意。 同樣,已經參觀其他三個公園的客人也可以嘗試“停車”到工作室公園參加活動。

Then, add guests visiting other parks and attractions; along with local passholders who have been watching the Star Wars build for years; they are also likely to drive down for the day to see it as well. Just imagine if you will, for one day; all these people trying to enter the same park on the same day instead of spreading themselves out; and you can see what I’m talking about.

This doesn’t even begin to account for any extra fuss that will be taking place on these days related to the various media outlets. They will try to cover the opening ceremony, but also document all the chaos. Will there be celebrities to handle? How about the need for extra security? The media will want time to do shoots and interviews, live-broadcasts; places to park their TV trucks, an on-site media center to work from, video edit bays; and the list goes on and on.

But what if there was a way around all this opening day fuss?

然後,加入訪問其他公園和景點的客人; 以及多年來一直關注星球大戰的當地通行證; 他們也可能會在當天開車去看它。 想像一下,如果你願意,有一天; 所有這些人都試圖在同一天進入同一個公園,而不是將自己擴散出去; 你可以看到我在說什麼。

這甚至沒有說明在這些日子裡與各種媒體有關的任何額外的麻煩。 他們將嘗試報導開幕式,但也記錄所有的混亂。 會有名人來處理嗎? 如何需要額外的安全性? 媒體需要時間拍攝和採訪,直播; 停放電視卡車的地方,現場媒體中心,視頻編輯區; 這樣的例子不勝枚舉。



What if… Disney did the unthinkable?


Would it be possible for Disney to defy all modern theme park marketing strategies and go old school?


By this I mean, what if one day, guests entered Disneyland and without any hoopla or celebration, without any pomp and circumstance, without any ribbon cutting or fireworks or confetti cannons?

What if, the gateway into Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge was just simply left OPEN?

In this day of social media, it wouldn’t take long for the word to get out to the public that Galaxy’s Edge was now open, but it sure would solve the operational and security headache caused by the announcement of an official grand opening date. Invitational media previews could also be done privately ahead of time, possibly with a strict publication embargo if need be.

This may just be a wild idea, but it could also be something that Bob Iger may have hinted at during a recent shareholder meeting. He had confirmed that Disney doesn’t have any big promotional plans in the works, because the new Star Wars lands are already the talk of the world. He even joked, “I’m thinking that maybe I should just tweet, ‘It’s opening,’ and that will be enough.”


如果,進入星球大戰:Galaxy’s Edge的網關只是簡單地離開OPEN了?

在社交媒體的這一天,不久就會向公眾宣傳Galaxy’s Edge現已開放,但它肯定會解決因公佈正式開幕日期而引起的操作和安全問題。邀請媒體預覽也可以提前私下進行,如果需要可能會嚴格禁止發布。

這可能只是一個瘋狂的想法,但也可能是Bob Iger在最近的一次股東大會上可能暗示過的。他已經確認迪士尼沒有任何重大的推廣計劃,因為新的星球大戰的土地已經成為世界的話題。他甚至開玩笑說,“我在想,也許我應該只是發推,’它正在打開’,這就足夠了。”




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