2019亞洲3D打印、增材製造展覽會 2019 Asian 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing Exhibition



Design-manufacturing integration innovation event
Welcome to the new hall of digital manufacturing – Asia 3D printing, additive manufacturing exhibition, to light your inspiration! Join us to explore the digital wave led by 3D printing, additive manufacturing, engineering software, inspection and measurement, and other related innovative equipment and processes. Get ready for a three-day journey with 16,000 professional visitors from 23 countries. You can find rare equipment for the increase and decrease of materials in this journey; listen to the sharing of world-class experts and industry users; watch the launching ceremony of many technological innovations in Asia, you will truly appreciate the excitement and fun brought by the digital wave. . Cutting-edge technology, unlimited opportunities. Looking forward to your arrival at the TCT Asia Exhibition in 2019!

歡迎來到數字化製造的新殿堂——亞洲3D打印、增材製造展覽會,在此點亮您的靈感!加入我們一起探索3D打印、增材製造、 工程軟件、檢驗測量以及其他相關創新設備和工藝所引領的數字化浪潮。準備好與23 個國家的16,000名專業觀眾一同踏上三天 的精彩旅程。您可以在這趟旅程中發現國內少見的增減材製造設備;聆聽世界級專家和行業用戶的分享;觀摩眾多技術創新在亞洲地區的首發儀式,您將真正體會數字化浪潮帶來的興奮與樂趣。尖端技術,無限機遇。 2019年TCT亞洲展,期待您的到來!

Exhibition requirements
Due to the machine tool operation at the exhibition site, this exhibition is only for visitors aged 18 and above, unless you report to the organizer 15 days before the exhibition and get the consent of the organizer.

If the information on your ID card is inaccessible or does not carry your valid ID, you can ask us at the organizer’s office (W5).



Exhibition review
The 2018 TCT Asia show attracted 13,961 professional visitors, 201 exhibitors brought over 1,500 professional exhibits and solutions, and held 40 professional lectures, seminars, forums and conferences during the same period.

2018年的TCT亞洲展吸引了13,961人次的專業觀眾參觀,201家參展商帶來了超過1,500件的專業展品和解決方案,同期還舉辦了40場專業的講 座、研討會、論壇和發布會。

List of exhibitors 參展名單


Event registration 活動報名

Visit registration 參觀報名:https://ali6.infosalons.com.cn/vscenter/visitor/vlogin.aspx?f=042378AD-DD76-4F83-8A9C-542CE7DC3597

Booth reservation 展位預訂:http://www.tctasia.com.cn/exhibit/bookmystand.php

Contact the organizer聯繫主辦單位:http://www.tctasia.com.cn/about/contact

Source of information 資訊來源:http://www.tctasia.com.cn/


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