Hung Meng Internation Development Crop.-Jian Ting Zai


In 1956, Jianting was born in a small farmer’s family in the south-central part of Chiayi, Taiwan. He had 8 children, and his family was heavily burdened and his family was poor. My brothers and sisters all dropped out of school early, and they needed to assist in family affairs at an early age. At the beginning of his childhood, Jian Ting followed his brother to learn to make a sand mold, which was of great interest to the craft. Jianting studied at a senior vocational school and studied print advertising design. After graduating from vocational school, I went out to work, worked as a clerk in a stationery store, and promoted embossed plaques. Soon after serving in military service, he contracted the military camp welfare agency. After retiring, Jianting opened a small workshop in his home to produce and sell embossed plaques and indoor embossed ornaments. In 1982, the company opened in Taiwan, and in 1992 it went to Shenzhen to open its own factory. In 2002, Zhuhai Haomen Sculpture Development Co., Ltd. (referred to as the giant company) was established in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, and embarked on the road of chasing dreams. Jianting is the chairman of the giant company, and is the president of the Macau Taiwan Business Association, the executive vice president of the Zhuhai Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association, and the vice president of the Asian Taiwan Chamber of Commerce.

1956 年,簡廷在出生於台灣嘉義中南部一戶佃農人家,子女8 個,家庭負擔沉重,家境貧寒。哥哥姐姐們一個個都早早地輟學打工,自幼小時需協助家裡事務雜事。簡廷在從小跟隨兄長學做翻砂模具,對手工藝產生極大興趣。簡廷在曾就讀於高級職業學校,學習平面廣告設計。職校畢業後,外出打工,在一家文具店做店員,推銷浮雕匾額,初涉經商之道。不久服兵役,期間承包過軍營福利社。退伍以後,簡廷在於家中開設小作坊,製作銷售浮雕匾額和室內浮雕擺飾品。 1982 年,在台灣開辦公司,1992 年赴深圳獨立開廠。 2002 年,在廣東珠海市創辦成立“珠海豪門雕塑開發有限公司”(簡稱豪門公司),踏上追夢的路。簡廷在是豪門公司的董事長,身兼澳門台商聯誼會會長、珠海市台商投資企業協會常務副會長、亞洲台灣商會聯合總會副總會長等職務。



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